What tames can destroy stone ark? (2025)

Stone Structures can be damaged by:

  • Alpha Predators.
  • Ballista Turret.
  • Bosses.
  • DodoRex.
  • Dunkleosteus.
  • Explosives.
  • Giganotosaurus.
  • Metal Weapson/Tools.

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What animal can break rocks in Ark?

Anky and doed are able to destroy stone structures, last I checked. Originally posted by Kabutak: Anky and doed are able to destroy stone structures, last I checked. Get an argent or pteradon, saddle it up.

Takedown request View complete answer on steamcommunity.com

What is the easiest way to destroy stone in Ark?

The Stone Wall is treated as a stone structure and can only be damaged by: Metal Weapons (5%) Tek Sword (~218%) Explosives (150%) Ballista Turret (40%) Cannon (~137%) Therizinosaur (Headbutt only, ~2%) ...

Takedown request View complete answer on vintageisthenewold.com

What can damage stone walls in Ark?

The five most effective melee weapons for destroying Rust stone walls are the following:

  • Stone Spears (268 Spears) – 0.17 dmg per hit.
  • Longsword (371 Swords) – 0.15 dmg per hit.
  • Salvaged Cleaver (321 Cleavers) – 0.12 dmg per hit.
  • Wooden Spears: (220 Spears) – 0.12 dmg per hit.
  • Mace (385 Maces) – 0.1 dmg per hit.

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Can Rex damage stone ark?

Rex can't. However, alpha ones (which, unlike regular rexes, are in fact called T-Rex) can.

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Can dinosaurs damage stone ark?

Dinos do damage Stone, just very very slowly.

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Can Raptors destroy stone in Ark?

Alpha predators no longer damage metal structures, only stone structures as intended. Alpha Raptor using flyers.

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Can trikes break stone?

Trikes can guaranteed damage stone walls.

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Can brontosaurus break stone?

A bronto should absolutely be able to damage stone. Stone is not that strong when the walls are that thin. Those animals are big and strong and capable of dealing damage to stone.

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How many F1 grenades does it take to destroy a stone wall?

How many F1 grenades to raid through all walls? In Rust Twig Wall 1 grenade 60 Sulfur, Wood Wall 59 grenades 3,540 Sulfur, Stone Wall 100 eighty two grenades 10,920 Sulfur, Metal Wall 993 grenades 59,580 sulfur. and armored wall 1,986 grenades 119,160 sulfur.

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How much C4 does it take to break a stone wall in Ark?

Around here stone walls are usually piles of stones about a meter or a bit over three feet high and sixty cm or two feet thick so you could create a nice, walkable interruption in the wall with maybe 400g or a little less than a pound of C4. If you want to blow up more of the wall you'll need more C4.

Takedown request View complete answer on quora.com

What is the strongest tameable in Ark?

10 Best Dinosaurs To Tame in Ark: Survival Evolved

  1. 1 Rex. Rex is, unsurprisingly, one of the strongest dinosaurs in the game.
  2. 2 Argentavis. Argentavis is the best choice for exploring Ark's map. ...
  3. 3 Snow Owl. This is one of the best creatures to tame in Ark. ...
  4. 4 Troodon. ...
  5. 5 Brontosaurus. ...
  6. 6 Gacha. ...
  7. 7 Giganotosaurus. ...
  8. 8 Griffin. ...

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Can gigas break stone?

everyone says to make giga traps out of metal because gigas can damage stone. but just because it can damage stone doesnt mean it will damage stone enough destroy a stone trap before you KO it.

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What Dino is good for stone ark?

Best Gatherers

  • Doedicurus. ★︎4.9.
  • Magmasaur. ★︎4.1.
  • Tek Stryder. ★︎4.1.
  • Rock Elemental. ★︎4.
  • Mantis. ★︎4.
  • Phoenix. ★︎3.4.
  • Gacha. ★︎3.3.
  • Dunkleosteus. ★︎3.3.

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Who is stronger T rex or Brontosaurus?

Brontosauruses' main advantage over would-be predators was their size. They were big—REALLY big. A brontosaurus could weigh up to 38,000 pounds, over 3 times the weight of a T-Rex. A T-Rex fighting a Brontosaurus would be a little bit like a lion fighting an elephant.

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Can Wyverns break stone ark?

They can't damage stone structures. Only wood, thatch & probably greenhouse. The wyvern isn't your problem though. It's the person riding it.

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Can a Therizinosaurus destroy stone?

The stone tier list of dinos that can damage it is now incomplete (12/25/16) Therizinosaurus can also damage stone.

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Can Carno break stone?

What can Alpha Carno destroy? Additionally, unlike their normal variants, they can deal damage to (and destroy) stone structures, although the damage they deal to the structures is rather limited. They are more aggressive and can be identified by a distinctive red glow around the center of their bodies.

Takedown request View complete answer on vintageisthenewold.com

Can Spinos damage stone ark?

Spinos can't break or get through stone dino gates. Best to use the same trap with the 4 gateways and large bear trap.

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Can Dinos break stone walls in Ark?

Dinos do damage Stone, just very very slowly.

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What are the toughest Dinos in Ark?

The top 5 strongest creatures in Ark: Survival Evolved are the T-Rex, the Giganotosaurus, the Brontosaurus, the Plesiosaur, and the Mosasaurus. These creatures are all incredibly powerful and can take down most other creatures with ease.

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Can you tame alphas?

Alpha Creatures are bigger and stronger versions of creatures in Ark Survival Evolved and they are not tameable. Take the quiz to prove your knowledge.

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Can Megalodon break stone ark?

Tips & Strategies. 1. Reinforce your raft with stone foundations, they won't be able to break them.

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What tames can destroy stone ark? (2025)


What tames can destroy stone ark? ›

The stone tier list of dinos that can damage it is now incomplete (12/25/16) Therizinosaurus can also damage stone. Not much, but every third hit a damage splatter appears and the wall health goes down by 1 point.

Can Therizinosaurus destroy stone ark? ›

The stone tier list of dinos that can damage it is now incomplete (12/25/16) Therizinosaurus can also damage stone. Not much, but every third hit a damage splatter appears and the wall health goes down by 1 point.

Can brontosaurus break stone? ›

A tip make a stone foundation and 3 stone walls and 5 stone door Frames. Place the foundation make a way to go in then place stone wall now place a door Frame on top on every stone wall brontosaurus can't damage stone.

Can trike break stone ark? ›

ARK Trader Rating

I always found it strange that a giga and dunky could damage stone but a rex, bronto, paracer, anky, doedic, spino, trike, stego, mammoth, etc can't do squat. Don't even get me started on metal structures. I really think the animals listed above should be able to damage stone.

What are the best ways to break stone in Ark? ›

  1. The Stone Wall is treated as a stone structure and can only be damaged by: Metal Weapons (5%) Tek Sword (~218%) Explosives (150%) Ballista Turret (40%) Cannon (~137%) Therizinosaur (Headbutt only, ~2%) ...
  2. These can damage stone, but can not damage auto turrets: Giganotosaurus (15%) Tek Rifle (~50%) Rock Elemental.

What Dino can break stone ark? ›

Stone Structures can be damaged by:
  • Alpha Predators.
  • Ballista Turret.
  • Bosses.
  • DodoRex.
  • Dunkleosteus.
  • Explosives.
  • Giganotosaurus.
  • Metal Weapson/Tools.
Apr 14, 2017

Can Trex destroy stone ark? ›


Can wyverns destroy stones? ›

Wyvern. Tips & Strategies

lightning wyverns can break STONE WALLS.

Can a stego break stone? ›

They CAN damage stone!!

Can dire wolves break stone? ›

Dire wolf's can't damage stone so use 4×4 stone doorways and go the doorways high with a ramp perfect trap | Direwolf Tips | Dododex.

Can Raptors destroy stone in Ark? ›

They can damage Wood and even stone | Raptor Tips | Dododex.

Can megatherium break stone ark? ›

Megatherium. Tips & Strategies

They can damage stone had one bust through stone walled trap and take off.

What dinos can harvest stone ark? ›

Best Gatherers
  • Doedicurus. ★︎4.9.
  • Magmasaur. ★︎4.1.
  • Tek Stryder. ★︎4.1.
  • Rock Elemental. ★︎4.
  • Mantis. ★︎4.
  • Phoenix. ★︎3.4.
  • Gacha. ★︎3.3.
  • Dunkleosteus. ★︎3.3.

What is the fastest way to mine stone in Ark? ›

Easiest way of gathering stone as a beginner is to use an axe on large or small stones. River rocks give more stone than regular rocks. Pair this with a doedic, who has a faster swimming speed than walking speed, and you get infinite stone. In ark mobile (OLD, not revamp) you can get amber from stones!

What is the best tool for stone in Ark? ›

Stone can also be harvested from rocks using tools, such as a Pick or more efficiently with a Hatchet. There is often no correlation between the size of a mineable rock and its yield. Stone can also be gathered autonomously by a Doedicurus, either set to wander, or parked next to a suitable rock.

What can Therizinosaurus damage? ›

The therizinosaurus can destroy houses wood and below and it can slash you with its claws dealing lots of damage and… Therizinosaurus Tips | Dododex.

What is the Therizinosaurus good for in Ark? ›

The Tickle Chicken, also known by its more boring, scientific name, the Therizinosaurus, is a medium-sized, aggressive dinosaur. While it is slow and cannot carry much weight, it is a quite versatile mount, being very strong in battle and having the ability to gather resources effectively.

Would a Therizinosaurus beat a Trex? ›

If you give the benefit of ambush attack to the T-Rex, then it would definitely win. However, if it is a fair one-on-one fight, then it would get messy and vague. Both dinosaurs would end up with severe injuries, before the T-Rex quit and withdrew.

What can Therizinosaurus harvest ark? ›

Harvests from corpses: oil, Electronics, Scrap Metal, Element Dust, Silica Pearls, Black Pearls, Silk, and Sulfur. Power Harvest = Best at Wood and Rare Mushrooms.

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