Braid for the first time….. (2025)


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  • Aug 24, 2022
  • #1

So my reel should be here tomorrow. I picked up a nice little rod today. Now to load it up with braid. This will be my first time using braid. My kid’s been breaking my balls to use braid.
This stuff is expensive! Looks like it’ll run about $40 bucks to spool up with decent braid.
So what do you guys use? What’s a good braid to use? I’m spooling a 3500 on a medium light 7 foot rod. I’m thinking 10 pound. Maybe 15.
And… GO!


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  • Aug 25, 2022
  • #2

Charlie, I use braid, only for bottom fishing, fishing for blues, stripers and weaks I use mono, because I feel I need the stretch in the line, but that's how I use it, everybody uses it differently.
As for the brand, to tell you the truth I've used, Power Pro, Suffix and I don't see much of a difference, again, that's just me, not an expert.


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  • Aug 25, 2022
  • #3

G, if I had your money I’d have a different setup for each species of fish. Basically, I have a conventional setup and now a spinning setup. My fluke setup is pretty stout so my boy has been using it for deep water fluking in montauk. We stripped about 75 yards of mono off and tied on 100 yards of braid. That’s all he uses. Now when we fish, I’m basically using braid. It’s a completely different experience for me.


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  • Aug 25, 2022
  • #4

On my trolling rods,4 0 levelwinds, I use 80 lb power pro, bout 150 yards pre spooled with 60 lb mono and a 30 ft 40 lb leader

Braid has no stretch, u need mono when trolling for a shock absorber. I also use these for bottom fishing offshore, usually 150 ft or less. Then I just tie a swivel on the braid below whatever weight I am using

For 3500 spinning reels, I use 20 lb power pro with the reel preloaded with a mono backing and then a fluorocarbon leader, usually 17 lb vanish

It is expensive,but last a long time. I don***8217;t try to fill the reel, just the section I fish with.

When tying braid to mono, I like the FG knot. I used to use an Albright, but my old fingers won t let me do it on a bouncy boat

I know most reel and rods are built for braid now, but if tying directly to spool, a couple of wraps of electrical tape make it easier to tie to. It also eats a groove in softer ceramic eyes on older rods

If u get a knot in it,cut it.

If u get it in your prop, go overboard and untangle it

Switched to it about 15 years ago and love it. Only place I don t like it is surf rods. No stretch and slinging a 6 oz pyramid weight is not a good plan

  • Aug 25, 2022
  • #5

the main reason I use braid is because it doesn't have a memory, I don't fish anywhere near as much as I'd like to, so when i cast a line, I hate seeing all the circles feeding out from the rod tip. Normal rule of thumb is to use twice the weight on braid that you would use on mono, the idea being braid is much thinner than mono, so you can run heavier line without affecting your casting or reel capacity. Start with a mono backing, you'll have more than enough line on your reel to not have to worry about getting into your backing. I use the Uni knot, I'm comfortable tieing it, i use it exclusively, and can do it without thinking about it. There are better knots (FG) but I like the Uni, and it will go thru my guides when casting. Use a fluorocarbon leader, you can tie your lure on to the flouro. The biggest issue I have with braid is wind knots, they will drive you crazy. Bring scissors, a knife wont cut it. Periodically, let most of yor line out behind teh boat at a slow troll and wind it back on to keep it from digging down between itself.


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  • Aug 25, 2022
  • #6

I’ve been tying uni to uni on my kid’s gear so I’m getting pretty good at it. I think I’m just gonna grab a spool of bass pro store brand 15 pound and wind on 125 yards of mono and cover it with 125 yards of braid. I plan to use this setup for smaller inshore stuff. For bigger sport, I have my 5500 and my 7500. I figure those 3 setups should cover just about anything that comes along.


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  • Aug 26, 2022
  • #7

12 or 15 would be good on that reel.
I have no spinning reels without braid. Its way better than mono on spinning reels. (except on a beach in the wind, in the dark)

It takes getting used to.

Figuring out how much mono backing is a pain. I started spooling the whole reel.

Always use a Palomar knot to tie on swivels, hooks and lures directly.
I often fish with no mono leader (on small spinning) for stripers and fluke and mahi

I use an albright with the braid doubled to tie on a leader if needed. You can use a swivel and mono too.


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  • Aug 26, 2022
  • #8

So I figure I’ll uni to uni some fluorocarbon to the braid. About 5 to 10 yards worth. Should I tie on 20, or 30 pound fluoro? This will most likely be my bluefish, Spanish and bonito rod. Maybe some smallish dolphin if we can find.


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  • Aug 26, 2022
  • #9

I don't use more than a rod length of mono as a leader on spinning gear.
A long mono topshot kills the benefit of braid...the long smooth casts.

Lately I have been using a barrel swivel and 2 or 3ft of mono if I use a leader.
Problem can be winding the swivel into the top eye and also too much dangling on the cast. But it makes tying and replacing the leader so easy.
Braid gets Palomar to swivel, Mono gets clinch knot to swivel

Uni to Uni splice rarely works going from mono to braid because the diameters are too different and the braid slips when you try to draw it tight.

Doubled Albright is easiest for me. In that case I make it one rod length since it will wind thru the top guide.

I don't drink the flouro koolaid. Mono catches just as many fish and ties knots better and is way cheaper.

If I didn't say it before, use a Palomar to tie braid to hardware. If you can't use that then use a Palomar...or you could substitute that with a Palomar knot.


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  • Aug 26, 2022
  • #10

My main reason behind loading up with a good length of fluoro is for when the albies show up. I’m gonna dedicate my life to targeting them.
As far as uni to uni, I always use it for braid to mono for my boy’s gear. I do like the Albright, although I’ve never used one.


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  • Aug 26, 2022
  • #11

I go against the grain a bit on my selections and choices. I use heavier braid and a lower rating flouro leader. Flouro is a bit more cut resistant on oyster shells than braid, and you can tie any knot you want to on it. If I get hung up or broken off, Id rather break off the leader and have 5 ft of leader in the waters than 20+ feet of braid floating around. I use the uni knot and have no issues with it feeding thru my eyelets reeling in, I do let it out past the eye to cast though. It cinches down tight on my leader of if i tie direct to a lure. Aas far as I can remember, I've not had a unit know come loose since I started tieing them. BTW, Charlie, don't ever grab the braid and try to hand line it, it will cut you bad, If you have to pull directly on the line to get something unsnagged, keep a wooden dowel or billy bat around to wrap the braid one and pull on the stick. That line will hurt you


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  • Aug 26, 2022
  • #12

charlie_the_tuna said:

My main reason behind loading up with a good length of fluoro is for when the albies show up. I’m gonna dedicate my life to targeting them.
As far as uni to uni, I always use it for braid to mono for my boy’s gear. I do like the Albright, although I’ve never used one.

Albright can be tied much faster.

for Albies I tie a 1/4 oz or 3/8 oz jig head(with a 4" Fin-S body) directly to the braid with a palomar. Cast far, Crank fast.
I use the same for stripers at the dock and fluke in shallow water. Caught some dolphin on it too.
You lose some to bluefish.


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  • Aug 27, 2022
  • #13

I don’t know anything about the kind of fishing you guys do, but a couple of things: 1) Spare is right about being careful not to wrap the braid around your hand or finger to yank a snag - I almost got a bad cut all the way around a finger that way. Braid (if we’re using the same stuff) doesn’t stretch, so setting the hook is different - no softening of the set like with nylon.


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  • Aug 27, 2022
  • #14

Best knot to tie is the one you can tie

Skunks right on the diameter difference being an issue. When that happens, I use a spider hitch to double the braid. This is primarily on trolling rigs when going from 80 lb braid to 60 lb mono.

As far as mono vs flouro, probably not any difference. Lotta fish been pulled over the rail on plain old Ande


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  • Aug 29, 2022
  • #15

Hey Charlie, you asked a question, I gave my response, so what does how much money I don't have, have to do with what you asked?



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  • Aug 29, 2022
  • #16

I did use braid but changed back to mono, a lot of world records were broke using mono ,braid yo me is dangerous and really no need for it. To me you have yo give the fish a chance, sharpton your fishing skills mono for me. My friend ( yeah I have one) used it for black fish but he switched back to mono too. He found out the the noise it creates by the water and wind transfers down the line and affects the bite . Mono is my only choice.
Braid is duper strong and has no memory. But I'm old school.


  • Aug 29, 2022
  • #17

Bottom fishing in 80 - 100+ feet its braid all the way. I've never really used it much inshore. Most of my inshore rods and reels are pretty much crap to begin with! lol



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  • Sep 28, 2022
  • #18

I catch ling in 100 foot of water using mono. I'm good with that. The world record fluke was catch in montauk using mono. Captain Frank Mundus catch the largest great white using mono. I will stick with mono. And my gas car.

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Braid for the first time….. (2025)
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